
TimesSquare082814TimesSquare082814b“Heresy promotes the business spirit.” Spanish proverb

A boy visiting Times Square with his family paid a stripper (wearing only a G-string and paint) to have his picture taken with her, under the protective gaze of NYPD.

A woman in the crowd (white shirt), who witnessed the encounter, confronted the boy’s parents, reprimanding them for promoting such activity.

In September 2011, a painted (naked) model was arrested in Times Square for being a painted (naked) model in Times Square. In 2012 her case was overturned, on the grounds that her work was ‘performance art’ — and the city gave her $15,000.

Analysis: Today in America there exists widespread distrust of society’s leaders, especially in matters regarding children (see vaccines & education). The sanctioning of such activities in Times Square makes it easy to understand why.

The cost of impurity is diminished consciousness and peace, within and among persons, leading to a more brutal and violent society.

America’s ‘rights revolution’ — unburdened by truth, and aided by rebellious lawyers and judges who have weaponized the courts, is leading to darkness and chaos. But for the opportunists, “That’s the idea!”

Photographs: Stephen Wise

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