‘Protect the Children’

“Children are put in harm’s way by the action of adults. We are betraying them.” Erick Adams, NYC Mayor

Yes, countless NYC children have been harmed by the mayor’s actions (and inaction), including his mask mandate for children under the age of five years (his first bold action in office) — that likely caused permanent emotional and intellectual damage for many.

If mass shootings are rooted in vengeance-seeking for personal mistreatment, it’s a miracle there aren’t more of them — given the widespread abuse, that people in America inflict on each other, from the womb to the tomb.

Stop Hating

“Resentment and anger, these are foul things, and both are found with the sinner. He who exacts vengeance will experience the vengeance of the Lord, who keeps strict account of sin. Forgive your neighbor the hurt he does you, and when you pray, your sins will be forgiven.” Ecclesiasticus 27:33-28:9

The lost, and peaceless world of today appears to be driven more by hatred than by solidarity, as various political entities rally supporters with contempt (for the other) rather than commitment to truth and goodness.

White Pawns

BLM20aDemocratic society depends on citizens possessing inner freedom and reasonableness — both in short supply today, especially among those guided by ‘dialectical thought,’ which doesn’t bode well for the republic.

The ranks have been swollen by white folks, hysterically wo(r)king to wipe-out the baby along with the bathwater.